The key to understanding complex data is presentation.
Pronello software is capable of displaying collected data in a variety of ways.
9 different graphs are available for real time display of test data, including:
- Force vs. Position
- Force vs. Velocity
- Force vs. Absolute Velocity
- Average Force vs. Velocity
Pronello software can be pre-programmed to perform multiple tests at different frequencies. The completed test can be shown using any of the standard graphs or using the Force vs. Peak Velocity function to produce a composite image of the captured data.
Pronello software is capable of showing multiple tests on screen at once. See where you've been and compare changes you have made. The powerful menu structure makes it easy to quickly load saved files and hide and show the data you need.
Frequency Tests:
- Position + Force vs. Time
- Velocity + Force vs. Time
- Force vs. Position
- Force vs. Velocity
- Force vs. Absolute Velocity
- Force vs. Velocity, Comp. Accel/Reb. Decel
- Force vs. Velocity, Comp. Decel/Reb. Accel
- Force vs. Velocity, Accel/Decel Separated
- Average Force vs. Velocity
- Force vs. Peak Velocity
Spring Testing / Static Test:
Yes, Force vs Position
Real Time Plotting:
Yes, configurable
Metric or imperial
Autosave Function:
By time or by testsInterested? Why not download the software and give it a spin?